Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Pink baby bear

I finished up the pink baby bear.  She's bundled up in her scarf to keep her warm until spring comes!  This was my first use of embroidery on felt for the nose/mouth detail.  Since this is a gift for a newborn, I used felt eyes also as opposed to the plastic safety eyes.

I plan to make another to have on hand for future baby girl gifts as well as a light blue one for boy babies.  Maybe a white one with a pastel-colored scarf for baby showers where the boy/girl issue is still a mystery!

Hey, friend!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Chocolate bunny

The chocolate bunny is done and I think it turned out really well!

I think I'll make the bunny in white also....

I also updated the Etsy shop for Valentine's Day since it's only 2-1/2 weeks away.  (Note to self:  plan for holidays at least 4 weeks in advance.) I relisted the heart fingerless gloves, revamped the tea party set with teacup and 3 heart-shaped cookies, as well as adding 2 new coffee cozies with hearts on them.

It was quite a photoshoot afternoon for the bunny, the new cozies, and two new fleece baby blankets with crocheted edging.  They are all in the shop now, and will "advertise" on the Etsy teams tomorrow.

Perhaps for St. Patrick's Day I'll make some cozies with shamrocks.

This week's Missy photo:

She has the enviable ability of being able to fall asleep anywhere at a moment's notice.  Here she is snuggled up against the hallway baseboard.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Brainstorming ideas for some spring projects. I've started a chocolate bunny and hope to try a basket also for Easter.  Maybe I'll try to create some colorful jellybean amigurumi!  Stay tuned - I'll post photos when they're done

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Happy New Year!

2013 is off to a great start for the Grinning Piglet!  In January I've completed a light blue baby afghan order for a friend and am currently working on an order for a pink bear as a baby gift.  I hope this momentum continues throughout the year.

Here are a few New Year's resolutions for the Grinning Piglet:

1.  Update the Etsy shop (  I have a few fleece baby blankets to list as well as a chunky infinity cowl scarf.  Also need to work on the product photos across the board.

2.  Post weekly to this blog regarding current projects, upcoming events, etc.

3.  Review sales results from 2012 shows/events.  Heritage Day and stART on the Street were very successful.  Farmer's markets and small craft shows, not so much.

4.  Consider creating some patterns to sell in the Etsy shop and elsewhere.  Expand from just production to design, as well.

5.  Look into an online shop of my own, in addition to the Etsy shop.

6.  Evaluate which products are the best sellers and focus on those creations.

7.  Find new marketing opportunities and utilize them.

That should keep me busy and somewhat focused for a while!

Wishing everyone a healthy and Happy New Year from the Grinning Piglet

And here is the first of my weekly Missy photos for you.  She resolves to get more exercise this year (me too!)